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  REPORT FORM       Anomalies with Report forms.

  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91.

  Problem Statement

  1) Multi-line reports cannot be printed using the string +";"+ string

  2) REPORT ... HEADING ".." cannot be printed using the +";"+ method.

  3) The Group Eject option is not implemented.

  4) Command line parameters NOEJECT and SUMMARY incorrectly implemented.

  5) SubSubTotal problem.

  6) First page line counting error.

  7) Wasted header spacing.

  8) SET PATH problem in FRMBACK.PRG.

  9) Potential run-time error due to ListAsArray() in FRMBACK.PRG.


  Errors and Ommissions

  Work Around(s)

  8) Edit Line 154 in FRMBACK.PRG as follows:

     Change:    paths := ListAsArray( s )

     To read:  paths := ListAsArray( s, ";")

  9) Edit ListAsArray() to check for nWidth > 0. The following works
     for me:

     FUNCTION ListasArray(cList, cDelim, nWide)
       LOCAL aList := {}, lNum
       cDelim := IF(VALTYPE(cDelim) == 'C', cDelim, ";")
       cList  := TRIM( STRTRAN(cList, cdelim, chr(13)+chr(10)) )
       nWide  := IF( (lNum := (VALTYPE(nWide) == 'N' .and. nWide > 0 )), ;
                              nWide, LEN(cList) )
       aList := ARRAY(MLCOUNT(cList,nWide,1,.T.))
       AEVAL(aList, {|a,e| ;
             aList[e] := IF(lNum, MEMOLINE(cList,nWide,e,1,.T.),;
     RETURN aList


  C5REP6.ZIP, on NANFORUM, contains a FrmRun.prg which fixes 1 - 7, above.

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